Our Story
Starz Unlimited began in 1995, by Carolyn Kemp and her daughter Heidi. They wanted to offer dance classes for homeschooled students in a nurturing & family friendly environment. Classes for clogging, ballet and jazz were held in the garage of the family home for several years, until they moved to a new home and incorporated a studio into the home. Carolyn continued to oversee all aspects of the studio, including hiring teachers and sewing costumes.
After 10 years of running the studio, Carolyn decided she was ready to turn over the everyday operations of running the studio, but she wanted to see the studio continue to operate. While still offering her home as the location for classes, Carolyn turned over operations to a new director who would run all of the studio affairs. That fall, Alison Maynes stepped into the position of studio director. The enrollment of the studio continued to climb every year, reaching up to 170 enrolled families.
In 2007, city regulations dictated that Starz Unlimited move to a commercial, rather than a residential location. This move has allowed us to expand our class offerings and also offer additional classroom space conducive to homeschoolers needs.
The studio is now managed by a Board of Directors, including the Organizational Director, Director of Clogging, Director of Dance and two Assistant Directors. Input and assistance is also given by an Advisory Board comprised of 10-12 members, including the Board of Directors, and individuals from enrolled families.
The only paid positions at the studio are the positions of the teachers. Since the studio is run by volunteers, the support of each family in a volunteer position helps the studio to operate efficiently.